What is the e-WGT?

e-WGT is a company belonging to Warsaw Commodities Exchange created for stock trade of agricultural products. e-WGT provides two platforms to achieve its goals:

  • Auction System characterized by the following features:   
    • The trade is conducted in real time on daily sessions from 10:00.
    • The system allows for a negotiation of prices by the trade participants, which allows for a change of price during the session by both, the purchaser, and the seller, for the purpose of concluding the transaction and settling the market balance of the commodity for the day.
    • All participants of the trade are fully identifiable, which makes a safe trade conditions. Only the registered participants are allowed to trade.
    • Payment resulting from the transaction is secured by using the Settlement Office of the e-WGT: before performing the delivery the purchaser pays the value of the contract to the e-WGT S.A. Clearing House, which is transferred to the selling side only when the delivery is accepted by the purchasing side.
  • Offers Table – a more relaxed and free-form system used to match sellers and buyers via longer term negotiations.

How much does the e-WGT trade cost?
The commission from the transactions settled on the e-WGT amounts 0.3% of the value of the transactions. The payment is provided by every side of the transaction.

Introducing an offer to the Auction System or Offers Table is free of charge.

In case of question please do not hesitate to contact us:
Tel. +48 22 661 75 52, e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.